About Me

[IMG_2441.JPG]  My name is Kristol, and I am a Stay-at-Home Mom of three beautiful boys.  Two are here with us on Earth, and one is up in Heaven doing a great job of being our personal Guardian Angel.  

I started my first blog in 2008, as a way for our families, who are all far away, to share in the joy of our growing children.  Then during the summer of 2010, after I started sharing more than just things about the family, I decided I needed to start another blog to use as a creative outlet.  A place to share with others, all of my passions (not in any specific order)... photography, crafting, scrapbooking, cooking (so NOT a passion, but get really proud of myself when I produce something edible), miniatures, interior design... basically, anything creative.  So, The Magic of Ordinary Things was born.

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