About 3-1/2 years ago, three weeks before our first child was conceived, my husband and I made some significant furniture purchases. We visited one of the Greatest stores EVER... Ikea. While there we bought the Ektorp sofa and chaise, which came with the standard White slipcovers. If at that time, we knew children would be arriving 7 months later, we probably would have spent a little bit more money and gone for a darker color for the slipcovers.
However, the White slipcovers served their time well.
This is our living room back then...

Yesterday, I made another trip to the Greatest store EVER... Ikea. While there, I picked up some new slip covers... NOT White.
Red for the sofa...
and Khaki for the chaise. The reason I had to buy two different colored slipcovers, is that Ikea no longer produces the one arm chaise, therefore, they had a very limited supply left of slipcovers for it. The great thing about that though, is that the slipcover for the chaise was only $19.00... so I bought two. So for the next 6-8 years, the chaise will be Khaki.
Whenever I go to the Greatest store EVER... Ikea, I always meander through the entire store - absorbing it all in and looking for inspiration, which isn't hard to find. Yesterday was no exception... the inspiration was overflowing.
The one thing that got me the most excited, was this...

a Modern Kids Kitchen. How freaking cute is this? I knew right away, this is something the boys will be getting for Christmas. I love that it's not "kiddie" looking, and it's on the small size, which works great for our small house. Being that I was a Kitchen Designer in my past Real Life, it really spoke to me.
I will be sad if we ever move somewhere where there is not an Ikea within a short driving distance... because I really love the Greatest store EVER!!