For about a year now, I have been (not very hard) looking for a dresser that I could redo and put it to use as a console under our TV in the B.A.R. (Big Ass Room). Then last month, I finally found one. I was driving by a yard sale, caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye, slammed the brakes on (not really), and turned around to go check it out. And how excited was I when it was only $30!!

Well this weekend, we finally finished it...
It was in pretty good shape but did need a little work. This is the hubbs cutting out some material for a new shelf.
We added a new top (the old one was warped from water damage), added the shelf to replace the two top drawers, and then patched the holes in the drawer fronts where I removed the original American Colonial brass pull.
The thing I had the hardest time finding, were the baskets for the new shelf. I really wanted wicker, but since I had such a specific size that was needed, it was nearly impossible to find anything. Then I got lucky one day at Target. The baskets are plastic, but they are the EXACT size I wanted, and I think their woven pattern is interesting.
My absolute favorite part of the new transformation are the drawer boxes. I saw this idea on Pinterest, and knew I wanted to execute it with this project. I found this Amazing handmade wrapping paper at World Market - the colors and pattern were Perfect! Just a little Mod Podge, and Voila - a little unexpected beauty.
I also painted the top edge of the drawer boxes in a coordinating chartreuse green - just that extra little detail makes all the difference.
I had originally thought I wanted a 6' dresser, but this one ended up being 5', and it fits perfect in the space.
Quite the transformation don't you think?
Now to figure out what to put in all the drawers and baskets.