The Thursday before Easter was the last day of school before Spring Break, so I thought I would send Luke to school with a little treat for his classmates. I saw these on Pinterest, and knew they would be perfect.... Teddy Bear Race Cars

I melted a few chocolate chips to use as glue for attaching the M&M wheels to the Milky Way car. I made sure each car had all the same color wheels, and I made sure all the Teddy Grahams were the same shape. To put the Teddy Grahams into the Milky Way, I first cut a little slit before pushing them in. Reason being, the first one that I did (without the slit) caused the candy bar to get slightly crushed from the pushing.

I was able to save money by getting my candy at the Dollar General. They have little $1 packs that each have either (6) fun size Milky Way or (6) fun size M&M packs. I bought (2) Milky Way ones and (2) M&M ones (I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get all 10 cars with matching wheels if I only bought (1) of the M&M's - but I ended up only needing one). So for $4, I got all the candy I needed for the price of one big bag of Milky Way.

According to Luke's teacher, they were a HUGE hit!! And, since they are so simple, and I know I can get the candy pretty inexpensively, and I usually have chocolate chips and Teddy Grahams on hand, I can make these cute little treats for my boys whenever I want. AND... it's probably something, they can even make themselves.