Can you recall, if a Simple Everyday Item has ever changed your life? We've all had those "Single Moments" that changed our lives... our Wedding Day, the Birth of our First Child, the Loss of a Loved One.
But what about an everyday item like a piece of Paper? A Simple, Single sheet of 8.5x11 Paper...
This is Mine. This is what Changed my Life! So Unassuming.

Back in March of this year, Luke's pre-school sent home this Order Form for the upcoming School Pictures. I don't recall how long it sat on my kitchen counter before I actually looked at it, but I do remember the day that I finally did. It was Thursday, March 24th, 2011.
Not really reading it, I filled out the information needed for the order. Then, when I went back to double check everything, I noticed that the person, who would be taking the pictures, had a website. Since I was all about craft and photography blogs at the time, I immediately got my laptop and went to her site. I was Blown away and Very Excited. This photographer's work was Amazing and So Beautiful, AND she was from right here in Central Virginia. I think that was what Excited me the most. Of all the blogs I follow (both Craft and Photography), they all seem to originate from out west. Up to that point, I had yet to find anyone on this side of the country. So when I saw she was right here, in my little town, well I just couldn't contain myself. I immediately sent her an email. Here's an excerpt from that first correspondence...
I don't mean to freak you out, but I can't even begin to express to you how Excited I am to find someone, with your talents, local. Your photography is INCREDIBLE. Most of the photography blogs I follow are located on the west coast. SOO excited to have found you!!
Amazingly, she wasn't Freaked out, and she responded...
You have totally made my day! I am sick in bed right now, but will write you back...
From that point on, and over the last seven months, Denise Feagans has become a Mentor and a Friend. She is just such an Inspiration. Not only is her work Incredible, she is also a Mother of Five (4 boys and 1 girl, ranging in age from 5-17), and her Faith in God is Strong. She has been there to answer every crazy question I've had. She met with me when I first got Photoshop and showed me some basics, and she even allowed me to tag along with her on one of her shoots. I will Never be able to Express or put into words, the amount of Gratitude I have for her Kindness and Support. Through her Help and Guidance, which has been Immeasurable, I have been able to start making a Dream of mine come True. Thank You Denise.
Who would have ever thought, that a Single Sheet of 8.5X11 white paper, could change one's life? That Single Sheet of paper found me a new Friend and started me on a journey that is hopefully leading me down a road to a new career as a Portrait Photographer.

So Unassuming...
Be sure to visit Denise's site, to see for yourself, what I am talking about.