One month after we moved into this house, back in 2013, we were hit by a huge winter storm, and were out of power for EIGHT DAYS. On day two, our new neighbor, whom we had just met, showed up with a trailer full of wood so we'd be able to stay warm by having a fire in our kitchen fireplace.

But it wasn't just any old firewood, it was this gorgeous old solid oak that had nicely weathered over the years. Of course, at the time, we didn't realize this, or care - we were just trying to stay warm. But once Winter finally faded into Spring, we re-evaluted what we had left. Then that summer, we used some of it to build this amazing wall/potting table out on our carport.

And even after that, we still had a little bit of it left. So this past Saturday, I ventured out into the shed to see if any of it would work for a little project I was conjuring up. And we did! YAY!!
Just enough for this....A valance for my youngest sons room. We had just recently painted his room, and it just needed this one final little touch.
I had seen this "definition" on Pinterest way back when I first started pinning in October of 2011. It "defines" him to a tee!
I think what inspired me to finally get it made, was the fact that I had just acquired this amazing antique oak desk. It was my first CraigsList purchase, and it was the perfect piece for him to sit at and do his homework.
He LOVES the desk, but HATES the "definition".