Earlier this week, our oldest son turned 5.
When my addiction to Pinterest first started last October, I had already started "pinning" party ideas for this particular Milestone. Hey, you only turn 5 once, and he hadn't had a big party yet (other than his 1st), so I wanted this one to be one he hopefully remembers. The one idea that I had "pinned" was a "Pirate" themed party. Now my son really isn't into pirates (other than Disney's, "Jake and the Neverland Pirates"), but I loved the ideas I had seen, so this was what I was thinking I would be doing.
Then sometime back in June, my husband mentioned that he wanted to maybe do a little Fishing Tournament for the party. I'm like... "really - fishing?" In other words, in my mind, NO! How boring! We're not doing a fishing party.
Theeennn... just for kicks, one day in July, I got on Pinterest, and starting looking for "fishing" inspiration. That's when I saw
this party!! From that party, I LOVED the "Bobber" lanterns...
So, I took the "Bobber" idea and TOTALLY. RAN. WITH. IT...
First was the invitations, which I made, that looked like bobbers.
I even made the hook, and tried to make the #5 look like a worm.
Once the "worm" was un-"hooked", the invitee could then see the party details and information inside.
Now there were a lot of different parties that I "pinned", but the one that gave me the Most Inspiration, was the
party that Jacqulin from "The Little Nook"threw for her son. This sign, for instance, came from that inspirational post. Welcome to the party!!!
From my original Inspiration, I did the paper lantern bobbers. I couldn't find any at the Dollar Tree, as she did, so I ended up getting mine at Party City. They were (3) for $6.99. I got two packs.
I created the little bottom thingy (don't know what it's called) using some chipboard and a paper towel roll. It's all taped together with masking tape, then taped to the lantern. Masking tape probably wasn't the best idea, but it worked okay. Major Tip of the Day... Take. Your. Time. when spray painting!! I did NOT!! The paint ran, and got under the tape. Basically, it was a big ol' hot mess. I was able to conceal most of the boo-boos, but it didn't matter. The overall effect was well received by the party guests.
Using my Cricut, I made this Fishy bunting, which hung over the snack table.
I also made this bunting for the "Bait & Tackle" Snack table.
This is the Centerpiece for the snack table...
The #5 is a paper mache one from Hobby Lobby, which I then painted and Mod-Podged with this FABULOUS "lure & bobber" scrapbook paper. When I found this paper, I was literally dancing in the aisle at Hobby Lobby. It was SO PERFECT for my theme. I got the "number" idea from
this party.
For a while now, I have been wanting to make some Subway Art. I thought this party would be the perfect opportunity. Again, my Cricut, some black card-stock, and the fabulous Wood paper (also from Hobby Lobby), and voila - my Party Subway Art.
Also from Jacqulin's party, came the idea for the carved Fish Head from a watermelon. When I first saw it, I knew my husband would be able to help me out with this one. I think he did an Awesome job!!
And now for the snack table...
From a party we threw six years ago, when my husband turned 30, I had these little galvanized buckets and river pebbles. Pretty sure I got them both at Walmart at the time. I used them to display the cupcakes. I had two different kinds of cupcakes... "Dirt & Worms" and "Caught Fish".
One of my favorite display's, was the Gummy Worm "Nightcrawlers". This is one that I worked for the hardest. I looked high and low for an old metal tackle box. I searched the internet. I went to garage sales. I asked all our friends and neighbors. Then finally, a mother of one of my son's friends, totally came through. She thought her Dad might have one, and he DID!! Thank you April for totally Hooking. Me. Up!!! This idea came from
this party.
Again from Jacqulin's party, I loved her "Fish Eggs". She had three different kinds, but I just went with the watermelon ones. Then, I also had "Keepers" - blue jello with a Swedish Fish suspended inside. I can't find the inspiration for this one. I guess I just saw it, but didn't "pin" it. Sorry!
From all the different parties that I pinned, I loved the coordinating decor that was incorporated into the displays. Luckily, because we live on a lake, I was able to score a lot of wonderful items like the vintage creel, lantern and minnow bucket.
this party, I was inspired to do the pretzel "Fishing Rods", and the Goldfish "Minnows".
My "Caught Fish" cupcakes came from
This was the table adjacent to the snack table. It had drinks, eating accoutrements, and party favors.
This was the most expensive thing I purchased for the party. A decorative glass drink dispenser. When I began looking for them online, I was finding them for $40-60 (and higher). I definitely did not want to spend that much. Then, I decided to look at Walmart... SCORE!!! They had two different ones, both for under $20. So my blue Kool aid "Lake Water", looked pretty! BTW, the kids loved the idea that they were drinking Lake Water.
This was the cake/gift table. I took that photo of my son a few weeks earlier, and thought it would be perfect to be displayed at the party.
The Cake... a (very conceptual) Rainbow Trout. A few years ago, my sister-in-law gave us these different shaped silicone cupcake liners. The concept is that you can arrange them to create different animals - a teddy bear, a turtle, and a fish. I thought, PERFECT!! However, I did not follow the pattern for their fish. I needed something longer and skinnier, so I just improvised. It worked pretty well, I think.
The table centerpieces. I "pinned" this idea, but the "pin" unfortunately doesn't take you anywhere, so I can't give credit to anyone. But, very simple... a jar, a stick, some twine, and a paper fish. I added the hook (which I made, like for the invitations), and I added my #5 "worm".
We held the party at a pavilion that is located in our neighborhood. At all of our neighborhood pavilions, there is a port-a-john conveniently located nearby. Because of this, I couldn't Not include this little building in my decorating scheme. I had purchased this fish while visiting my parents in New Mexico, and thought it would be perfect to adorn the "outhouse" door. But then, I added the tiny "Gone Fishing" bunting. Why you ask? Because, basically, I'm Crazy!!

To honor my husband's original idea, we did in fact have a little Fishing Tournament. Since we would be awarding for "First Fish", "Biggest Fish", and "Most Fish", there needed to be something for the winners to receive. So, I made these little trophies. I found the little gold trophies at the Dollar Tree (4 for $1). I then glued them to rocks (using E6000 glue) that I found in a neighbor's driveway, made the little fish label, and filled the cups with a couple of Swedish Fish. This particular one happened to be won by my youngest son.
And now for the party games... Well this wasn't really a game, but it was a Huge hit!! Again, from Jacqulin's party, I had a "Worm Dig". The kids LOVED being able to dig for their own bait!!
Then there was the "Noodling" game. This idea actually came from a "Cooking" themed
party. I used it for my party, because of the method of fishing, where you catch catfish with your hands, called "Noodling". It was messy, but the kids had fun!!
I think on a Party Resource site, I saw where you could buy a game called "Pin the Scale on the Fish". I thought about buying it, but then I had the idea of making my own, only we would "Hook the Fish". So, I painted this fish on a piece of 1/4" foam board, and cut out paper "hooks" on my Cricut.
Then from
this party, I got the idea of having a "photo booth". Which of course, I had to have since I am a budding photographer. I had a back drop and a few props - fishing hat, fishing vest, and fishing pole. The sad thing, is that I completely forgot about it. Then after we handed out the awards for the tournament, my husband told me I should get pictures of the winners in the "Photo Booth". Great Idea Hubby!! I got pictures of the winners and a few others, but my original idea of getting a picture of each child and then including a printed photo in each of their Thank You cards, just didn't happen... :(
But I did get this great picture of the Birthday Boy!!!
The last game I had for the kids, after cake and ice cream, was a Pinata. But not just any Pinata. A Rainbow Trout Pinata, That. I. Made. All. By. Myself!!! I followed this
tutorial, and dove right in. It was a little time consuming, but really easy.
The only fault to this way cute Pinata, was that I may have made it a little too good. We actually made it through twenty kids, and it never broke open. The last kid did manage to puncture it, so I stepped in and let it rip!!
And lastly, the Party Favors - Bait!! I got the little brown bags at Michaels. And no, I didn't make the guests pay me 25 cents in order to get one.
I got the fish idea from
this party. Hers looked much better, but I think mine got the idea across.
Then I also had little "Thank You" bags of gummy worms.
I had SOOO much FUN planning and working on this party. All in all, by using things I already owned, borrowing a bunch of items, and purchasing the the stuff that couldn't be made at Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Walmart and Target, the total cost for this party was around $225. Not too bad for an afternoon of my son's face being filled with complete joy.
I'm just know he will always have many Wonderful Memories of his Gone Fishing 5th Birthday Party.
If you are looking to do a "Fishing" themed party, I hope this post is full of inspiration for you. And definitely be sure to visit all the links of my inspirations, to see all the other ideas they have to offer.