Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Sooo... my family was coming to visit... I had to have something new for my front door.
I actually made this back in January using twine, sticks from the yard, and mini clothes pins. But, it was pretty boring. At that time, it just said "Welcome" - I didn't have any embellishments on it. Then a couple of weeks ago, I saw this tutorial for the 5 point star, so I made a couple.
My favorite part of this is how I used the twine to create the letters.

Sooo... family's coming... need something for the door... whipped something up for free.

I'm linking up here...


  1. This is a great idea and I love how the words could easily be changed out! Found you on TT&J and I am your latest follower! Stop by my place if you get a chance. :)

  2. hi kristol!

    thanks for your comment about my hairstyles..i agree, i really do like the short!

    this wreath is beautiful and totally my style, i love using twigs in projects :) and the mini clothespins are darling! overall very very cute! really like it!!

    have a great weekend!


  3. I'm so awed by all of your recent ideas! I've got to keep up with you better! The wreath, your family reunion goodies, farmers market display- cute cute! LOVE your blog :) Hope you have a great week!
