Thursday, January 20, 2011


One of the newest blogs I follow is Little Miss Momma. The little Miss Momma is Ashley, and she always has great little projects and incredible photography. Recently, she posted about how to do "Self-Portraits". I've been wanting to do this, so I got out my camera and full length mirror this morning and gave it a try.

Here are a few of what I captured.... and Ashley was right, you need to take about 100 shots just to get a few good ones.
This first one is probably my Favorite. I e-mailed it to my husband, and he thought it was "Weird" - "your head's cut off, you're looking up, your mouth is open, you look like you're lost." I told him it wasn't Weird, it's "Artistic". He then told me that even though it's Weird, I'm still beautiful. Gotta love my Hubby.

My boy's bedroom seems to have the best lighting for photography, so after moving the crib out of the way (for most of the shots) I got to work.

The above two were before Makeup.

This one really highlights the beginnings of my second chin.... FAB-U-LOUS!!
After the boy's room, I moved to the Master Bedroom... and tamed my frizz.

Not all pics were just "Self"...
Porkchop and Mommy
Luke and Mommy
Mommy and Porkchop again(his real name is Grey). This was the only "Silly" face I could muster.

Go visit Ashley's Link Party to see all the other great "Self-Portraits".

1 comment:

  1. These turned out great! I don't think they are weird at all. I love your hair clip :)
