Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This year, for Halloween, the Faucheux Family went as Star Wars characters. Ever since we had our first son and named him Luke, we knew we would do this one year... this was the year.
After purchasing the boy's costumes on line - paying full price for Luke's but getting a deal on Darth Vader through e-Bay, I knew I needed to cut costs, and make mine and my husbands costumes.
Presenting... Han Solo & Princess Leia
Han's costume was pretty easy. I got the shirt and pants at Goodwill.
The shirt was a XXL, so I had to do a little tailoring so Marc wouldn't be swimming in it. I took it in 3" on the sides and in the arms, and I cut off the cuffs so it more resembled the shirt Han wore in the movie. Then to make the pants a little more authentic, I used Red Electrical Tape to create the stripe detailing down the sides.
I did however, have to make the vest. I chose a black twill, and using a fleece winter vest Marc has as a guideline, I sewed (without a pattern mind you) a vest... with pockets to boot.
Marc as Han Solo

Now for my costume. Originally, I was going to purchase ALL the costumes on line, but doing so would have been between $100-$150... a stupid expense for a one-time shot. After much deliberation, we decided we would only do the costumes for the boys... Marc and I wouldn't dress up. Then, I got my October issue of "FamilyFun", which had a tutorial on how to make yarn wigs for kids... like Pippy Longstocking and Rapunzel. So, that got me thinking..."I bet I could make a Princess Leia wig following these same instructions". And so, Marc and I would be dressing up after all... on the cheap!!

The wig - brown yarn, control top pantyhose, bobby pins and hairspray. I couldn't believe it actually worked
The gown - an old king size white sheet set. This is what I am most PROUD of!!!! I've made clothes for myself before, but ALWAYS with a pattern, NEVER on the fly. This creation, was a Full Length (somewhat form fitting) Gown with Long Flowing Sleeves, a Turtle Neck AND a Hood. The day I made it, I started drawing out the shape around lunch time and was finished by 8:00. I was so impressed with it, I told my husband I thought I would wear it all the time.
For the belt, I cut a piece of poster board to the pointy shape, added silver duct tape to mimic the metallic embellishments and hot glued on clear floral rocks.
Me as Princess Leia

The Faucheux Family as Star Wars Characters...

Me as Princess Leia, Luke as Luke Skywalker, Grey as Darth Vader and Marc as Han Solo.

If there would have been a contest for best Family Costumes... I'm SURE we would have won.

I'm linking up here. Go check it out to see all the other incredible inspirations.
A Glimpse Inside featured button Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend   wrap    up           party!UndertheTableandDreaming mmm button


  1. Awesome! The force is definitely with you! You did a fantastic job with those costumes! My husband is a big Star Wars fan and we also do family costumes, so this is on our "list" some year!
    With those two adorable Jedi, you may need to check out this birthday party I featured!
    By the way, found you at SYS Thursday. :)

  2. You all look awesome! Great job!! Your hair is fabulous! I don't think I would have thought of making it out of yarn!

    Thanks for linking up to my party again! :)

  3. Love the faux hair and costumes~ Too funny!! Thanks for visiting me, and o.k o.k, you have convinced me. I will start using trivets on my granite! Thanks for the tip!

  4. STOP IT! That wig is RAD!!!!

    I hope you'll come over to Funky PolkaDot Giraffe and link up sometime to TOO Cute Tuesday!

  5. Absolutely excellent. Come link it up with us so that i can find your site back next year and feature you then... & our readers can find you too: Open now.

    On Wednesdays new parties open, so you can add more great tutorials as time goes on. Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful works of art! Cheers, Rose

  6. Fantastic Costumes...wish you would have enter them in my Handmade Halloween Costume Contest - maybe next year!

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  7. We LOVE Star Wars & I've always wanted to be Princess Lea. That wig is so awesome!!

    Warmly, Michelle

  8. Very cute! So creative!

  9. Awesome! I dressed my whole family up Star Wars style as well- I wish I'd seen the tutorial on yarn wigs, it looks great.
