Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Not sure if you remember, but last summer (2012) I posted about a little criminal activity I participated in, when I went and "helped myself" to some discarded pallets left in a field.  Yes, there was a "No Trespassing" sign, but I ignored it.  I wanted some pallets - and they had been stacked there for over two years.  Would they really be missed?

Anyway, back to present day... I never did anything with those pallets I stole.

However, being that my husband is in the flooring industry, he has ready access to all types of pallets.  One day, he came home with (3) 7' x 4' pallets.  He knew I so desperately wanted to do some kind of project with pallets, so he thought he'd provide some so I wouldn't have to steal anymore.

Back to the "however"... we Finally did a project with pallets!!!

Isn't it A.MAZ.ING???  I LOVE IT!!!

It's out on our carport, which we use as a patio, and it hides some equipment that we don't want seen from the road.  It also has a little potting table for all the gardening I do - NOT!  But it's there, ready to be a potting table, for whenever I decide to garden.

But it couldn't be Just a Pallet wall/table.  I had to "Pretty" it up a little...

First, it needed a shelf.  To hang the shelf, I needed something old.  I didn't have anything old, but I had recently seen something on Pinterest about making new metal rusty.  So, following the recipe here, I made two new, shiny "L" brackets nice and rusty, old looking.

Don't you love that old chain?  That is actually old and rusty. We dug that up in our yard.

The most liberating thing about this whole project, was that we measured NOTHING.  The hubbs just eyeballed and guessed at everything.  It gives it such an organic feel.

The last little touch, was a piece of art.  This is one of my favorite photos that I took of my favorite flower.  It's an image transferred to a piece of wood.  You can see how I do this here.

So there you have it, I finally have a Pallet project in my home.  Well, outside my home, on the carport.

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