Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This past Saturday, October 8th, I had the day to myself. I love my boys and my hubby to death, but there are just days when I need to be away from them. I'm sure ya'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, this particular Saturday was an Extra Special day. I was going to have lunch with a group ladies I had never met before. They, like me, are Bloggers. Most have Craft Blogs, but there was also a DIY Blogger, a true Writer who Blogs, a Painter/Photographer who Blogs, and one who has the inside scoop to all things Frugal. Needless to say, a great group and mix of wonderful girls.

Allison of A Glimpse Inside and Michelle of Dream Home DIY were the two ladies who were responsible for organizing the... "Sweet Tea Social".

We all met for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory in Richmond at Short Pump.
Most of us were pretty local, but Jennifer form An Apple for the Crafter drove down from the DC area, and Linda from Craftaholics Anonymous drove in from the Norfolk area. I'm sure they thought that by the end of the afternoon, all the horrible traffic they endured getting there, was totally worth it.

Like the total Dork that I am, I made sure to print out my "Ticket" to be presented upon my arrival. No one actually ever asked for it, but I did ask if they needed to collect it - that got a few chuckles. Allison made the cutest Name Tags for everyone.
It was even cuter before I lost it's little Lemon slice... BOO :(

Michelle had put together these Adorable Party Favors... a nice drinking glass with tea-bags and a recipe for Sweet Tea.
The Too Cute Pin Wheels were stolen from the Centerpieces that Allison had made for the table.

After a wonderful 3 hour lunch, where we ate delicious food and enjoyed great conversation, five of us headed off to the Greatest Craft store EVER... Hobby Lobby!

Now I'm sure most of you know, Linda of Craftaholics Anonymous. In my mind, she is one of the Rock Stars of the Crafting Blog World. Well this was a HUGE day for her. She had NEVER. BEEN. to Hobby Lobby. I made sure to document her arrival for her Virgin Voyage on the Mother Ship.
I think we were there for about 90 minutes, which in Hobby Lobby time is short, but we all had to get back to our real lives. Jennifer's husband was kind enough to come in and take a photo of the five of us.

L to R: Jennifer (An Apple for the Crafter), Me, Allison (A Glimpse Inside), Michelle (Dream Home DIY) and Linda (Craftaholics Anonymous)

We are ALL looking forward to getting together again real soon. But sadly, it will have to be without Allison. She and her husband will be leaving Virginia at the end of this month and heading for the mountains of Colorado. She will be missed, but we will all always be Grateful to her and Michelle for bringing us all together and allowing us to meet each other in person and make new friends.

Thanks Guys!!

Here is a list of all the Attendees:
Michelle - Dream Home DIY
Patty and Cheryl - Friends of of Becky's
Brandee - Smooth Stones


  1. Love the idea of a "Sweet Tea Social!".. Have a great week!

  2. It was totally worth it! I'd drive down again! Except now my husband keeps calling me Short Pump. :(

  3. *laughing at Jenny's comment above* What a great post, Kristol, and it was so awesome to meet you! I have yet to blog about The Event, but I will. A photo-less post. So sad. But what a happy day! :)

  4. AWESOME to meet you thanks to Brandee for inviting me. I loved your post, I posted too thanks to Linda's photos!! I can't wait to do another meet up! :)
