Friday, August 26, 2011


This morning, as my husband was leaving for work, he handed me a stack of his white undershirts and asked me to cut them up into rags. I said okay, but then had a better idea. I would use them to make Super Hero Capes for the boys.

I had recently seen this Super Easy Tutorial using large t-shirts for the Cape, and knew I wanted to give it a try - figuring I'd get to it before my oldest's birthday next month.

But in "Kristol Tunnel Vision" fashion, once I get something into my head, I have to do it right away... and so I did.

I gathered everything I would need: t-shirts, felt, and velcro
I made the capes following the tutorial, and then set about personalizing them. Using my Cricut and some Freezer paper, I cut out a Star Shape and three Initials as templates. I then pinned the star and an initial to a piece of felt, and cut around them.
The "M" is for my cousin's little boy who is a couple months younger than my oldest.

Then I straight stitched the Initial to the Star and then the Star to the Cape... Easy Peasy!!

I think they turned out WAY CUTE!!

Super Luke LOVES his!!

Super Grey isn't as thrilled.

So LOVE when projects like this take such little time and best of all, are FREE!!

I'm linking up to the following parties. Be sure to go visit, and see all the other awesome ideas.


  1. Well I know what I am doing tomorrow :D My little guy would love this!!

  2. I love the way to decorated yours! Would you link these up with Creative Me Monday at The Southern Institute?

    You can link up M-Sat. Post them in the flickr pool too! You'll find the link on the blog.

    Have a great weekend!
