Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Thanks to my wonderful Husband, this is where our family spent the Easter Weekend...
The Homestead. This is a Beautiful old resort, dating back to 1766, and is located right here in Virginia - it's in the western part of the state, in Bath County.

Weeks and weeks ago, LONG before the hubbs booked this trip, I found this wonderful tutorial by Erin at Lemon Tree Creations, for T-Shirt Tie Appliques. When I saw it, I knew immediately that I wanted to make them for my boys to wear Easter Sunday - thinking they would be wearing them to our little country Baptist church. Once the trip was planned, I have to admit, I was a little nervous about them wearing "T-shirts" on Easter morning at a Fancy Schmancy "Southern" Resort. But then I thought, "hey, I worked really hard on these, and they're going to wear them, no matter what".

And I'm so glad they did...

I cannot even begin to tell you how many kind Comments and Compliments we got on them. The boys were definitely unique, in that NO other little boy was as stylish as my two handsome little men.


  1. I didn't know you were in Virginia too! Yay!

    The shirts are adorable!

  2. oh, that's close to us, I have to check it out. Amazing pics and your boys look adorable

  3. How fun!! I'm so glad they were a big hit, and not surprised because they look ADORABLE!! Too too cute! My son wore his for the Easter egg hunt around here too, but unfortunately it was covered by a sweatshirt b/c we had nasty weather. Ugh. But I love the bright fabric you chose!

    You should link a picture of them up to our Flickr page. We go through and feature the Flickr projects pretty regularly so you would be able to show them off to the other readers as well. :)


    Have a great weekend! :)

