Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Yesterday, I attempted something for the first time... and accomplished success. I modified a piece of clothing - a shirt.

I got this shirt last summer at Wal-Mart. I bought it because it was very full through the mid-section, which I felt I needed to conceal a post-pregnancy belly (sadly a year old).
Thankfully, that belly bump is finally gone, so I can now wear my shirts a little more fitted. I still loved the shirt, but didn't like the elastic it had at the bottom, which gave it the billowy effect.

So, I did a little modifying. I got my seam ripper out and removed the elastic at the bottom and I opened up the side seams....

And Voila...

I added a little hem at the bottom and took in the sides giving them more definition at the waist.

I'm really liking the fact that I'm not afraid of my sewing machine anymore.