Saturday, January 8, 2011


If you follow my blog, you know we have put our house up for sale. I thought I would share with you one of the transformations I did in order to de-personalize our space.

On the large wall in the living room, is our wall mounted television. When we purchased it five years ago, we were too cheap to go to the expense to have an electrician come out and do what would be necessary in order for it to hang and not have any of the wiring show. This was my solution.

Normally, before "staging" had to be done, the little frames held photos of our three boys
Luke is on the left and is Three months old in this shot. Grey is on the right and is also Three months old. In the middle is our sweet Angel Max, Luke's twin. This photo was taken the day before he passed away at Three weeks old.

Now they have some colorful scrapbook paper and are embellished with brown Fleur-de-lis' - subliminally still personalized, symbolizing my husband's home town of New Orleans.

When I originally created these, I painted three canvases (without staples on the sides) that I got, probably, at Michaels.
I got the grass cloth square frames at Ikea. I then used carpet tacks (hammering them into the wood frame through the canvas) and twine to hang the frames.

So simple, so inexpensive, so cute... and they (mostly) hide the wiring.

I'm Linking up here... be sure to go there to check out all the other awesome ideas.


  1. That looks great! What a clever idea. Your house should sell fasT :)

  2. Great idea! Best wishes as you go through the process of selling your home.
