Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Last night, right before dinner, there came a small knock at our front door. After coaxing our three year old to open the door to see whom it might be, we had the opportunity to meet...

Peter J. Tinslesparkle - The Christmas Elf.
He arrived with a note and a suitcase.
The note was addressed to the boys. It introduced "Petey", and stated his holiday mission.
He obviously didn't travel via airplane. I doubt any airline would have allowed a wreath hanging on the outside of a piece of luggage
His suitcase even had a luggage tag with his monogram and address.
The boys were curious, so Petey was kind enough to share with them the contents of his suitcase.
He brought his own pillow, a candle for being able to see as he wonders about the house during the night, an alarm clock, and a hot water bottle. I guess he must have a bad back.
He brought necessary toiletry items - towel and washcloth, comb, hairdryer, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste. Yet, no change of clothing?
He's obviously still a kid at heart, because in order to entertain himself (when he's not on duty) he brought a toy car, a book for reading, and a coloring book and crayons.
In case he gets hungry, he brought his own snack - graham crackers. He also came with his own drinking mug.
Most importantly, he has his surveillance items - a special phone on which he can directly get a hold of Santa Claus, a camera for recording good and bad behavior, and a pencil for taking notes. Luke told him we would lend him paper if he needed it. I love the fact that the North Pole is still Old School - no laptop or cell phone. Gotta love tradition.
He also brought a basket and a set of keys. Not sure what they are for, maybe their use and meaning will be revealed soon.

Now just to give you an idea of scale.

Petey's already been hard at work. He situated himself on a shelf in the boys room last night, and today he is on top of the TV. Luke knows he's there, and his behavior seems to be shifting to the good. Hopefully, for the time that Petey is staying with us, his work will be easy.

I'm linking up here... be sure to go check out all the other awesome projects.
Catch a Glimpse Button giveawaysJoin  us Saturdays at for the  weekend      wrap    up           party!UndertheTableandDreaming mmm button


  1. My goodness you are a great Mom! I adore this! How special and completely adorable :)

  2. This is adorable and oh so clever...wonder if h has the same affect on college kids? hmmm.... Happy Holidays!

  3. I've been drooling over the "Elf on a Shelf" for a few years now and wondering if I could make my own version. I love love LOVE your creativity with the little suitcase!! Adorable! Did you make the elf, too? It's all so sweet!

  4. How cute is this idea! Love it and everything that was in his suitcase is great! Hope it works for you!

    Thanks for linking up.

  5. I love it! I had only recently heard of this idea. Did you buy or make this? How can I get one?

  6. Super cute all the tiny little elf things make this so sweet!

  7. so cute! my step family does the xmas elf who comes before xmas and "watches" and reports back to santa, lol. this is waay better in miniature.
