Friday, October 8, 2010


So... I had this vision....

If you saw my previous Halloween Inspiration post, then you know I am in love with the Candy Corn Tree I originally saw here. With that idea in mind, I thought I could make a Candy Corn Twig Wreath. I live in the woods so sticks and twigs are abundant. This is my attempt.
I had the twig wreath from a local raffle that I had won a few weeks ago. Before I used it for this project, it was covered in obnoxious silk daffodills... basically it was U.G.L.Y. So it was begging for a re-do. It knew it was ugly, and it wanted to be pretty.
Well, I don't know that it is now pretty, but it's definitely different. I collected some small branches from our woods and tucked them into the twig form. Then to secure them somewhat into place, I haphazardly (sp?) wrapped rope around them and the wreath.
Then I went to town with my glue gun, adhering candy corn to all the branch and limb ends (question... are they really limbs when they're that tiny?)
It's all so random and chaotic... and organic, but does it work?
Let me know your thoughts on whether you think this project was a success or disaster.

Happy Halloween!!

UPDATE: This is hanging outside on a North facing wall. However, this morning (10.9.10), when it got hit by a little bit of sun, the candies started to melt. Also, the bees LOVE it. So, if any of you out there want to give this a try, you might want to hang it inside or make sure it gets no direct sunlight. I don't know if spraying the candies with some kind of sealant would help, but actually, not sure if that would even be worth it. This is definitely not something that can be saved for use next year... it's a yearly project.

I'm linking up here. Go check it out to see all the other great ideas.
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!
halloween bats
UndertheTableandDreaming mmm buttonSYS Thursgiveaways
I guess it worked and you all loved it, because I was Featured...


  1. I think it works. I like the simplicity of the idea. It looks very delicate, like there should be flowers on the branches, but instead there is candy. Great idea!

  2. I think it turned out great! Very cute!!

  3. I love that. I think it's really cute! I shared it on my TT&J facebook page and linked to you :)


  4. I love it! It totally caught my eye on the Tatertots and Jello link up...

  5. I have no idea who you are, but I feel that I should tell you that I LOVE it as well. It definitely works.

  6. Spotted you at Tatertots & Jello and I think it definitely worked! I like both this and the original candy corn tree idea. I featured your wreath on my blog today since I adore it so much:

    Oh, and check out this link from Woman's Day for how to preserve that candy corn. I assume their tips would also help keep the bees away.

  7. This is sooo cool and unique! It definitely worked. :) If you wanted it to last longer you could cover the candies in resin or something (I have no idea what I'm talking about, I just know that some people cover them in shiny hard stuff haha). I love it!

  8. I love this! Thanks for the note on melting and bee attraction. I am going to try this for inside. This is quite a success!

  9. Hi Kristol I'll be featuring this today! I love the look of this wreath! Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks so much for linking to The Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn
