Thursday, April 19, 2012


The Thursday before Easter was the last day of school before Spring Break, so I thought I would send Luke to school with a little treat for his classmates. I saw these on Pinterest, and knew they would be perfect.... Teddy Bear Race Cars
So simple... fun size Milky Ways, Teddy Grahams and M&Ms
I melted a few chocolate chips to use as glue for attaching the M&M wheels to the Milky Way car. I made sure each car had all the same color wheels, and I made sure all the Teddy Grahams were the same shape. To put the Teddy Grahams into the Milky Way, I first cut a little slit before pushing them in. Reason being, the first one that I did (without the slit) caused the candy bar to get slightly crushed from the pushing.
I was able to save money by getting my candy at the Dollar General. They have little $1 packs that each have either (6) fun size Milky Way or (6) fun size M&M packs. I bought (2) Milky Way ones and (2) M&M ones (I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get all 10 cars with matching wheels if I only bought (1) of the M&M's - but I ended up only needing one). So for $4, I got all the candy I needed for the price of one big bag of Milky Way.

According to Luke's teacher, they were a HUGE hit!! And, since they are so simple, and I know I can get the candy pretty inexpensively, and I usually have chocolate chips and Teddy Grahams on hand, I can make these cute little treats for my boys whenever I want. AND... it's probably something, they can even make themselves.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Check out my Cool new Shoes...
They started like this. Got them for $2 on Clearance from Walmart, last October for my Smurfette Costume - knowing I would use them eventually to do this project.
Well, Eventually finally came, and using a Fat Fabric Quarter and some Modge Podge, and after following this Tutorial, they turned into this...
I added the little decorative fabric rosettes for texture and interest.
I think they're really Cute and perfect for Spring.

HOWEVER, they are NOT comfortable :( I did not pay ENOUGH attention to the heel area on the left shoe, when I was wrapping the fabric over the edge and gluing to the inside. There is a build up of fabric, which rubs when I walk and REALLY hurts. So if you are going to try this easy little project, definitely take the time to make sure the curve at the heel is nice and smooth :)