Tuesday, January 10, 2012


At the end of this month, we are moving. Luckily, it is to a home that is in our same neighborhood. So beginning the week between Christmas and New Year, we started the process. I love the fact that we can take things over in multiple little trips, rather than doing EVERYTHING all on the SAME day.

Anyway, the house we are moving into is a Log Cabin. You'll be seeing lots of pics, because I have TONS of projects planned (mostly all inspired from Pinterest). Before I started packing up all my craft supplies, I wanted to make a New Wreath for our New Front Door.

Here's what I came up with...
The wreath form was made using plumbing pipe insulation, and the denim is from a pair of jeans that originally, I was going to turn into a skirt, but when cutting the jeans apart, I didn't realize I was cutting the front and back at the same time - therefore, total screw up. WOW, that was quite the run-on sentence.

I cut little triangles and hot glued them to twine and added white vinyl letters.

The flowers are a combination of rosettes and poof.

I think it adds a little Rustic Charm to a Rustic type home.

I'm linking up here... be sure to go check out all the other great stuff linked up.


This blog, if you noticed, has changed a little. The reason being you ask... well, I also want to share with my followers my new passion - Portrait Photography. I've posted about it here and there over the last year, but in 2012, I am really going to make a go of it.

So please be sure to visit the tMoOT Photography page to see my first session of the year. It actually happened on New Year's Day.

And Thank You for following me.

Stay tuned for a wreath I made for our New Front Door.

Update 2.17.12... if you've noticed still further, the blog has changed... again. I wanted to share my new adventures in photography here, but the page just wasn't working like I wanted it to. Soooo... I started another blog - tMoOTPhotography.com. Please be sure to visit and see what I've been up to.